The Slate Magazine is an online magazine dealing with various topical issues. I

The Slate Magazine is an online magazine dealing with various topical issues. I have extracted a portion of some correspondence between Ben Wattenburg and Kenneth Hill from the magazine in which they debate the world population situation. The exchanges reproduced here are just two of an eight part set. At the time of this correspondence, Ben Wattenberg was a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and Kenneth Hill was a professor and director of the Hopkins Population Center at Johns Hopkins University.
Read the correspondence and write a brief very well-organized essay (NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES)
·      Indicating what the debate is about
·      What evidence each person uses for support
·      Whose side you find more convincing and why? 
·      Please note that the assignments will be graded for both content and completeness of the answer (what you say), as well as clarity, linguistic correctness and organization (how you say it).
·      Assignment  should be typed in double space and very well  organized, with paragraphs, and should have an introduction and conclusion.
·      If you cite and reference external material, you must use ASA style.
·      See the assignment for the ASA style guidelines.