– 6 pages NOT including the cover/title page and bibliography – type in New Time

– 6 pages NOT including the cover/title page and bibliography
– type in New Times Roman, 12 point font
– double spaced, with 1 inch margins all around, and page number
– must be in APA format 
– five referencese mininum requirement for the bibliography
– In text citations and the bibliography page MUST be in APA format
– three of the five references musr be peer reviewed journal articles
– the paper must accurately present the positions of others and your evaluation of that 
body of research and/or theory is critical
– the point of the paper is to intergrate a number of works by differents people relevant to a specific topic or issue. 
First page – cover/title page – topic (in question form), student name, course name and proffesor name , date 
Page 1 Introduction
why did i chose the topic
thesis statement (purpose of the paper)
define key words in your topic
Page 2-5 Review of the literature/Research studies
present research studies and include your own critical/analytical evaluative thinking of the research studies. A minimum of 5 references; 3 are peer-reviewed articles from academic/scholarly journals. Remember to cite sources within the text using APA format.
Page 6 Summary and conclusion 
last page
bibliography/reference page- APA format should be used