“Creating a Harassment Policy: Promoting a Safe and Respectful Workplace in an Employment Context”

Assignment files should be prepared using MS Word to allow your tutor to insert comments and feedback. If you do not have this software, contact your tutor to discuss whether other arrangements can be accommodated.
Businesses face multiple risks if they do not ensure a safe and respectful workplace for their employees and clientele. An employer must not discriminate against or engage in harassment of employees. Further, a business may be held liable for such acts committed by its employees if it does not take steps to prevent them or rectify the situation if they occur. One good way of avoiding such problems and dealing with them appropriately is by way of a harassment policy and related procedures. This assignment encourages you to explore the potential of such a policy in an employment context that you are familiar with.
Identify an employer for whom you work or have worked, or another organization you have been a member of or volunteered for, and provide its name and website, Facebook page, or other online source of information about it using working links. Describe your relationship with the organization.
Determine whether the organization is subject to the Canadian Human Rights Act, or the human rights legislation of a province or territory by checking this Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) website . State the legislation which is applicable to your organization and explain why.
Assume that you have been tasked with preparing a harassment policy for the organization you have chosen and download this template from the CHRC . Open it in Word and save it as a document you can edit.
Review the instructions in the template and list the titles of personnel in your organization that you would choose to fill the following roles and explain your choices: Position A and Position B.
Complete the template filing in the blanks for Position A and B and change the references from the Canadian Human Rights Act to the relevant legislation if necessary. Attach the completed policy document to your submission.
Read this arbitration decision  and explain how the case of Mr. Lewis might have been handled differently if the policy you have prepared had been in force for the railway company at the time of the events of that case.

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