For this paper, find an ethical dilemma in a show, film, book, comic, video game

For this paper, find an ethical dilemma in a show, film, book, comic, video game, song, or current event and discuss the ethical implications of that dilemma. While a traditional “moral dilemma” presents a conflict between two options (e.g., whether to kill or not to kill the baby screaming in the attic to protect the Jewish family from the Gestapo finding them), you should also feel free to instead explain in detail why a particular action or chain of actions is bad (or good) from a Deontological and/or Utilitarian POV. The options both for how to do this and for what to write on are very broad. You can write on the ethics of short-selling regarding the Gamestop fiasco, or China’s current treatment of Muslims. You can write about an ethical dilemma in a video game, like whether or not to let the sick children leave or kill them to prevent the disease from spreading throughout the village (this occurs in Assassins Creed: Odyssey). You can discuss a dilemma in the ethics of a medical show, such as House MD or Grey’s Anatomy, and so on with comic books (hello, ending of Watchman!) and song lyrics (like whether or not to cheat, as in the modern classic
“Honey, I’m Good”).