Please respond to each post with at least 100 words  Nb- Very similar to many ot

Please respond to each post with at least 100 words 
Nb- Very similar to many others, the COVID-19 pandemic affected me the most in recent years, mainly my place of work. Being in sales, we need to be able to read body language, eye contact, and other features that were then taken away when the pandemic hit. This caused my place of work to be affected with sales going down as well as many other small businesses. Although many small businesses suffered negatively, I knew of the positive impact COVID-19 had on a business. I have a family friend who owns a small business and COVID-19 positively affected them. Due to everyone having to quarantine their RV business bloomed, as many people were working from home. Selling RV’s was perfect as people felt they could still be outside in a safe manner and be around their family. Now that COVID-19 is over they are not selling as many RV’s as before. The number of remote jobs has decreased tremendously and the incentives to work remotely have also decreased. My job is back in business as people are no longer afraid to be out in public and it feels as if the COVID-19 pandemic never occurred
Tj- Hey class,
A social change that has affected me personally in the past 5 years in the U.S. would have to be the intro to the COVID-19 virus. The ways we as the public were used to living our life in the past have changed. When the virus hit I noticed the public going instant and making irrational decisions instead of taking the necessary precautions to maintain their health.
There were laws and rules put in place in turn for our safety. I had a couple of family members who had COVID-19 and didn’t follow the steps to stay safe like wearing a mask and maintaining your health. I had COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic and stayed bound in my rooms for about two weeks.
The types of social groups that have contributed to the rise of the social change movement I have recently noticed would have to be those in school and job areas. A lot of places have a temperature check station where you have to check in each time. Many of places in the world have Implemented the use of wearing masks and being vaccinated to either go or work in certain establishments