Title: Coping with Family Stress: A Case Study of Andrew Bennett’s Story in “The Tree”

Using The Tree (story in Bronson), describe Andrew Bennett’s story, summarize the Contextual Model of Family Stress (CMFS), and apply it to Andrew’s story. Relate this story to your own (or your family’s) experience with stress and coping.
Additional information:
Each case study assignment requires one full page of written work (i.e. 1 inch margins, Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced lines).  Do NOT include your name, instructor’s name, date, title, header, or page numbers. Grading reductions are a minimum of -2 for each format error.  You have four spelling/grammatical errors for free; two points after that are deducted from your grade. 
Please view the Rubric for details.                                                                                   https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Student-Guide/How-do-I-view-the-rubric-for-my-graded-discussion/ta-p/319

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