Title: Exploring Food-Related Policy Areas: Identifying Key Issues and Interests Public Policy Area Selected: Food Security and Nutrition Explanation: I have selected the policy area of food security and nutrition because it is a critical issue that affects

For this week’s checkpoint, conduct research to find
agencies and NGOs that interest you. Based on your findings, select a public
policy area. The purpose of this assignment is to simply select the food-related
policy area in which you are interested. 
In additional checkpoints, you will outline and develop a proposal,
which will culminate in a final global policy proposal in week 7. After
settling on a policy area, address the below items in a short paper.
Identify the public policy area you select.  Explain why you selected this policy
area.  Why does this area interest you?
What do you hope to learn about this policy area
in the course?
What do you believe are some of the key or big
issues that are important to this broad policy area?  Identify and explain three issues that are
important to this area and why you think they are important. 

The post Title: Exploring Food-Related Policy Areas: Identifying Key Issues and Interests

Public Policy Area Selected: Food Security and Nutrition

Explanation: I have selected the policy area of food security and nutrition because it is a critical issue that affects appeared first on get essay fast.