Title: “Exploring the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs in Reducing Recidivism Rates in the Criminal Justice System”

M02 Assignment – A Topic of Study
This week, we are learning how to identify a topic suitable for scientific research within the criminal justice system and refine that topic. You will create a suitable theory for your topic and identify variables and attributes for your topic.  After you have completed your reading assignments, you will need to answer the following questions.
Using the topic identified last week, you will
List the topic for review for your peers to review.
Share what you want to learn about your topic through your scientific research.
Create a working theory and a hypothesis for review.
What attributes and variables are needed to gather information about your topic?
Five variables need to be identified, with an explanation, on why they are essential in gathering data for your research.
For each variable, you will need to identify three attributes with an explanation of why they fit within the variable you have chosen to associate with it.
M04 Discussion – Types of Information
This week we are learning to identify and understand the types of information obtained from scientific research. You will need to find an article based on scientific research within the criminal justice system, identifying what type of information is gathered, why it was important, and how it was used.
You have been provided a link to the National Institute of JusticeLinks to an external site., where you will be able to find research articles on many topics within the criminal justice system that can be used for this discussion. You can find a different source if you prefer, but it must be an academic source providing research within the criminal justice system.
Using the article you’ve identified, you will
Provide a link directly to the article.
Identify the information identified in the article, i.e. crime rates are lower in Alaska.  
In your opinion, how did the researcher come to the conclusions drawn?
Why is this information important?
How was it used?
M06 Assignment – Types of Sampling and Observation
This week we are exploring different types of observation for scientific research. Every researcher wants to know, “How do I gather the data?”  The first step in reaching that goal is to understand who would have the information you are looking for and how you talk to these people. Gaining trust with criminals can be difficult. Gaining trust with a victim is just as difficult.
You will identify two types of observation/sampling based on the search topic that you identified earlier in the term.
You will compare and contrast the two samplings, identifying which would be the best way to obtain the sought information.
Provide five open-ended questions, based on your variables, that could help you gather the needed data.
Your initial response should include a complete and thoughtful post that maintains a flow of ideas in a logical narrative.  You will need to use APA format. Your reply needs to be detailed and comprehensive.
M07 Discussion – Scientific Research Proposal Infographic
This week we are learning about refining your ideas about scientific research.  You will take your research proposal and transform your thoughts into an Infographic this discussion.
The InfographicLinks to an external site. will need to include the following points 
Theory or Problem Statement
What you hope to find with the research

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