“Exploring Juvenile Programs as Alternatives to Incarceration: A Case Study Analysis” In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for alternative approaches to juvenile justice, particularly in regards to reducing recidivism rates

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 300 words), and respond to at least 2 peers’ postings (recommended minimum 75 words).
After you have reviewed the Assignment Details below, click the Launch Discussion Board link under the Assignments tab for this unit to open the Discussion Board and make your post.
Use these videos for help on how to post to the Discussion Board:
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Assignment Details
Conduct an internet search for a juvenile program in your city or state that provides an alternative to incarceration. Read about the program and then present to your colleagues your reasons how or why the program might reduce recidivism, more effectively than incarcerating juvenile offenders.
Ensure you provide a link to your selected program, so your classmates can read about it.
You may search for a program of your choice, or use the following:
Teen addiction treatment
Juvenile mental health treatment
Juvenile pretrial diversion program
Teen restitution program
Juvenile community service
Big Brothers or Big Sisters programs
Juvenile community assessment centers
Juvenile boot camps
Teen cognitive behavior therapy

The post “Exploring Juvenile Programs as Alternatives to Incarceration: A Case Study Analysis”

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for alternative approaches to juvenile justice, particularly in regards to reducing recidivism rates appeared first on get essay fast.