Peer Feedback on Teaching Proficiency

The purpose of this assignment is for the learners to see how their peers view their teaching proficiency. Colleagues can be a valuable source of information in terms of a learner’s ability to receive feedback on what is actually happening in his or her classroom. The student will be observed on at least two occasions. One of these will be a videotaped lesson. The learner’s partner in this assignment will complete the observation form. Learners should use the Classroom Observation Form Download Classroom Observation Formas well as the Summary of Peer Feedback Form. Once the assignment has been completed, the learner should submit the Peer Feedback Form to the course. This assignment will allow the learner to receive feedback on his or her work in a personal manner from someone who understands the environment in which the learner is teaching.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competency and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Evaluate instruction for professional development.
Evaluate feedback received from professional colleagues.
Competency 2: Improve instruction and professional learning.
Integrate feedback received from professional colleagues into the development of action steps for improving instructional skills.
Competency 3: Demonstrate the dispositions expected of a professional educator and self-directed learner.
Reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of peer observation as a tool to collaborate with other professionals to improve instruction.
Assignment Description
Use the Summary of Peer Feedback Form before the first peer visit so you know what will be expected as documentation of the observations by your peers.
In preparation for the visit, explain the feedback process and its context to your peer observer. Share your improvement goal and what you would like your observer to pay particular attention to throughout the lesson. Be sure your colleague understands that you will be asking for written feedback using the Classroom Observation Form. You do not need to submit a copy of the forms, but you will need to refer to them when you prepare your summary.
Step One
To complete this assignment, follow the instructions on the following forms:
Classroom Observation Form.
Summary of Peer Feedback Form.
Step Two
Submit the Peer Feedback Form to your instructor.
Refer to the Summary of Peer Feedback Download Summary of Peer Feedbackon Your Teaching rubric to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio along with instructor feedback in the Professional Showcase binder for Program Outcome 4 after it has been graded. Note that artifacts that demonstrate the application of knowledge and understanding are more valuable to your portfolio than those which simply evidence the understanding of a concept.

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