Title: Reflections on Behavior Analysis and Practice: A Summary and Personal Response to the Readings Summary: The readings for this week focused on the principles and practices of behavior analysis. The main idea across the readings is the importance of using evidence

At least two paragraphs summarizing the entirety of the readings.  For example, what is the main idea of the readings, when there are multiple chapters or articles, what ties them together? When citing, use APA style (author/s, (date), page). Some weeks this section will be shorter and other weeks it will be longer based on the week’s readings.
At least one paragraph discussing two concepts that you found particularly interesting, or that challenged your belief system. Reference the specific readings and cite your source using APA style (author/s ( date), page)
At least one paragraph discussing the impact of your reading to your practice.  For example, what should a behavior analyst DO to be most reflective of this content?  Reference the specific readings and cite your source using APA style (author/s, (date), page).
References attached

The post Title: Reflections on Behavior Analysis and Practice: A Summary and Personal Response to the Readings

The readings for this week focused on the principles and practices of behavior analysis. The main idea across the readings is the importance of using evidence appeared first on get essay fast.