Title: “The Power of Finding One’s Voice: A Comparison of Lorde and Malesic’s Perspectives on Education and Personal Growth”

You will be asked to read three questions carefully and then choose only ONE question to answer. You will then write a thesis-centered essay of at least 500 words in response to this one question using direct quotations from both “College Students: School is Not Your Job” by Jonathan Malesic and “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action” by Audre Lorde to support your writing.
You must Develop a thesis that takes a clear stance or position in response to one of the questions.
Use MLA in-text citation to support your claim with quotes and paraphrases from BOTH the Lorde and the Malesic readings.
(You must use at least one cited idea from each reading).
Here are the three questions: CHOOSE ONE 
1. Is it the responsibility of education or the individual to help us find our voice?
2. When should the pursuit of knowledge be goal-oriented, and when should it be allowed to develop leisurely? 
3. In what ways does finding one’s voice help us to become something larger than ourselves?

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