1. (2) Create a new document and copy all the text from Source.docx into your do

1. (2) Create a new document and copy all the text from Source.docx into your document.
2. (2) Save the document as SKIB121C_YourName_TestResit.docx.
3. (4) Format the red paragraph the following way:
• Font is Calibri, font size is 36 pt.
• Alignment is center.
4. (4) Apply the Heading1 style to the blue paragraphs.
5. (6) Format the orange paragraphs the following way:
• Left indentation is 1.5 cm.
• Font style is Italic.
• Spacing after the paragraphs is 12 pt.
6. (8) Format the green paragraphs the following way:
• Alignment is justified.
• First line indentation is 1.5 cm.
• Spacing after the paragraphs is 6 pt.
• Line spacing is 1.5 lines.
7. (4) Insert the image1.jpg in place of the text .
8. (6) Modify the width of the picture to 8 cm and the height to 4 cm.
9. (4) Align the picture to the center of the line.
10. (4) Insert the appropriate break after the picture that lets you start a new section on the next page.
11. (8) Apply a 2-column format for the new section the following way:
• Insert the appropriate break that will keep the log entry for Sunday, 23 September in the first column and move the last log entry for Tuesday, 25 September into the second column.
12. (6) Create the following header and footer for the whole document:
• Insert page numbers to the right side of the header, starting with number 2.
• Insert the file name in the footer using a tab stop at 8 cm with center alignment.
13. (2) Save your document (SKIB121C_YourName_TestResit.docx) and upload it to the Moodle.
1. (2) Create a blank presentation and save it as SKIB121C_YourName_TestResit.pptx.
2.  (2) Select the Gallery theme for all the slides.
3. (2) Set Split transition for all the slides.
4. (2) Set all slides to advance after 6 seconds.
5. (4) Insert new slides and choose the following layout settings: first slide is title slide layout, second slide is title and content layout, third slide is two content layout.
6. (2) Type in your name to all title textboxes.
7. (6) On the first slide:
• Format the title: font Arial, size 72, top alignment, green color, orange shape fill
• Apply a solid line around the textbox of the subtitle: weight 3 pt, orange color.
• Set the following custom animation to the subtitle: entrance type, swivel subtype, duration 5 seconds (very slow).
8. (6) On the second slide:
• Create a list with 3 paragraphs: „Paragraph1”; „Paragraph2”; „Paragraph3”.
• Put „Paragraph2” and „Paragraph3” to the second level of the list, choose hollow square bullets for them.
• Apply any emphasis type animation to all three paragraphs. Each animation should start automatically 2 seconds after the previous animation ends.
9. (12) On the third slide:
• Create a doughnut chart (can be found under Pie charts) in the left content box using the data found in the table.
My favourite doughnuts
(in percentage of tastiness)
• Put the Legend to the left side of the chart.
• Add Data Callout data labels to the chart.
• Insert the image Doughnut.jpg into the right content box.
• Apply exit type animation to the chart: Swivel subtype, duration 3 seconds (slow), start with previous, repeat 5 times.
10. (2) Save your presentation (SKIB121C_YourName_TestResit.pptx) and upload it to the Moodle.
Answer files Question 1
Maximum file size: 20 MB, maximum number of files: 1