“Exploring the Relationship between Nature and Poetry in the Works of Wordsworth and Coleridge”

essay topics: pick one.
Wordsworth sees beyond the visible world to an invisible one.
Wordsworth feels that the shifts in little things can be worthy subjects for poetry.
Wordsworth believes that Nature is alive.
Wordsworth is an environmentalist poet.
Wordsworth believes that Nature protects us from city life’s despair.
Wordsworth believes that Nature allows us to recover our hearts.
Wordsworth believes that city life is corruptive of human values.
Coleridge is an ecological poet.
Coleridge believes that grand events are the proper subjects of poetry.
Coleridge’s descriptions of Nature often express the poet’s inner self.
Coleridge believes that the spirit world (or the spectral world) affects the world of the senses.
Wordsworth wants to combine the spiritual and natural worlds, while Coleridge wants to keep them apart.  
books :

any version of Jane Austen’s Emma (available for free by typing into Google “Project Gutenberg Emma” and clicking on the first hit).

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