“Mercedes-Benz: Addressing Emission Control Issues and Entering the Vehicle Market”

So Basically it is a group assigment but I want you to do only my part I send you the group contact below(my name is Aser). so I want slides and speaker notes that i will add. So for this group prject we choose Mercedes Benz company so we did research on it so our problem is Mercedes cars have bad emission control and our solution is to enter the vehicle market so based on this infromation that I gave you I want you to do my categroies it is in the group contract and to add on to that I want you to research and add a lawsuit about mercedes Benz this part is not in the group contract.
So now there is another document below so based on this sources I want you to do my presenation slides and speaker notes.THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART PLEASE USE THIS PART TO DO THE PRESENATION AND MY CATEGRORIES BASED ON THE GROUP CONTACT PLEASE!!!!!
At the end I send you the prompt of our presenation that teacher required us to do and thank you sou much I really appreciate it !!!(The presentation portion of the project requires each group to research identify a specific problem affecting their company. Students will identify the cause of the problem, who is affected by the problem, and advocate for a specific solution to that problem. This presentation should be roughly 20 minutes long (between 18 and 22 minutes without penalty) and requires each person to participate during the presentation. The presentation operates as a central goal for the team to work toward and should reflect effective research of at least 25 sources with academic or journalistic credibility. During the presentation, students are expected to have at least 15 different sources cited out loud and with clear establishment of source credibility.
The presentation requires students to work together to create a smooth, well-executed presentation for the class. Students face evaluated on the following criteria: 
the cohesiveness and organization of the presentation (Use Monroe’s motivated sequence to structure speech),
the strength of the research and argument, 
use of strong, credible sources,
implementation of clear transitions between speakers and sections of speech
effective use of presentation software, 
staying within presentation time allotment, and 
their ability to respond to audience questions. 
Presentations should also include title slides with each student’s name and a works cited slide to properly document research. These slides should be uploaded before the class in which they will present.)

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