ENG 120 Research Paper Guidelines In your midterm Essay, you applied your criti

ENG 120 Research Paper Guidelines
In your midterm Essay, you applied your critical thinking
and analysis skills to a topic or issue of your choice. Now, you have the
option to use this essay as the jumping off point into a more expansive
research process, or, you can choose a new topic or issue of interest. Either
way, the goal of this paper is for you to gain experience developing a nuanced
research question, exploring it with a variety of sources, and then answering
your question as best as possible by crafting a nuanced thesis statement (keeping
in mind of course that all research still points to a horizon of unknown
potentialities.) Research Paper Requirements:
pages minimum, 12 pages max.
A developed thesis that is nuanced, insightful
and clearly stated in your introduction. Note: the thesis is not the research
question. If anything, the thesis is the “answer” you arrive at after
thoroughly examining your sources.
A conclusion that summarizes your thesis and the
main points and examples you’ve covered throughout your paper. Again, consider
how you can point your reader towards the horizon of your research? What do you
want your reader to think/feel/respond to by the time they are finished with
your writing?
In-text MLA citations. This includes both direct
quotes as well as any paraphrases you take from your sources. (You should have
both.) Quotes should be a max of 2 sentences long.
Cited page in MLA format with a minimum of 8 sources, 1 of which come from
academic or scholarly journals.
Annotated Bibliography with 9 sources, 8 of
which must be incorporated into your final paper. Further instructions below.
Again, your paper should follow MLA citation and
paper formatting guidelines. I highly suggest taking a moment to review this
research paper example on Purdue Owl. 8. I also strongly encourage everyone,
regardless of your current grade in the class, to make appointments at the
Rockowitz Writing Center in advance of each paper deadline.