Essential connection between employee motivation, loyalty, and performance, and the presence of dynamic learning and development


There is an essential connection between employee motivation, loyalty, and performance, and the presence of dynamic learning and development (L&D) opportunities. Successful organizations understand the importance of L&D when developing strategies leading toward cultivating competitive advantages. It is important to understand who can engage in key roles when developing effective L&D programs.

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The Effective Development Starts with ManagersLinks to an external site. article suggests a manager’s involvement in L&D initiatives can lead to meeting new employee expectations regarding L&D activity. Based on the article, respond to the following.

Explain how manager engagement is an essential reality in the improvement and effectiveness of L&D activities.
Include what managers can do to support L&D activity and meet employee expectations.
Provide an example from your own experience of an instance when you observed a manager taking a key role in L&D activity.
Provide an example of when a manager did not take a key role and detail the lost opportunity(s) you may now recognize as having been squandered.


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