The Assignment:  Create an informal response of 150 to 200 words. Demonstrate yo

The Assignment:  Create an informal response of 150 to 200 words.
Demonstrate your understanding of writing style (diction, syntax, figures of speech)
It may be helpful to direct your paragraph towards a specific audience and use a tone appropriate for the audience.  Suggestions:
Tones:  persuasive, humorous, ironic, sarcastic, conversational, impassioned, straight-forward
Audiences: friends, young children, teenagers, professionals, or academics
Suggested Writing Topics:  The following is a list of suggested topics, or you may choose a topic of your own.  You may support or refute the statement. 
The legal drinking age should be raised.
Social media is a great/terrible way for teens to interact.
Anxiety can/cannot be managed.
There is/is not life in outer space.
A topic of your choice
Guidelines for writing:  You must include one sentence of each of the following:
1. figure of speech
2. periodic
3. parallel
4. balanced
5. question (it may or may not be rhetorical)
6. short (it may or may not be inverted)