Title: The Rise of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in the United States

Disease Project: You will choose a communicable/contagious disease that is caused by a
microbial agent and has been involved in a recent development in the United States. You
will provide information on the background on the microbe, the disease it causes, and the
recent development concerning the disease in a written report and a subsequent oral
Section 1 – Microbe significance: Write approximately ½-1 page of basic background on
this microbe and why it is important (defining characteristics, opportunistic diseases that it
can cause, how it is used in biotechnology or research, etc.).
Section 2 – Disease background: Write approximately ½-1 page on basic background of
the disease that is caused by this microbe and why it is significant (symptoms, treatments,
prevalence, etc.).
Section 3 – New development of disease: Write approximately 1-2 pages explaining a
new development of the disease. Include details on how/why this development occurred,
what are the immediate ramifications, and what is the proposed resolution or future
outlook for this development (recent outbreak, new treatment, increase/decrease in
incidence, etc.).
*Your report should include figures (tables, graphs and/or pictures) for each section
listed above. Make sure to mention all figures in the text of the paper and to include a title
and description for each figure. If you are using a figure from another source, be sure to
include appropriate citations.
*Citations should be included throughout the report when you are not the originator of
that information. Please use numbered citations as according to CSE Citation-Sequence
format. Also, a list of References should be included at the end of the report, also
formatted using CSE style (Citation-Sequence system). Only include references that are
cited in the report and make sure all cited works have an entry in the references section.
-At least 5 references must be used in the report, with 2 of these references being
scientific journal articles. Take a screen shot of the abstract pages for the
scientific journal article references and paste at the end of the report (after
References section)
-For more on CSE Citation-Sequence formatting see the link on the Course and
Library Resources page in the Course Orientation Module in Canvas
Report Formatting:
– The report should use the template provided in Canvas and should be between three
and five pages of text (not including graphs/tables/references/attachments)
– Make sure to include all of the sections described above.
– Include a cover sheet for your report.
– The report should be typed with 11 or 12 point-sized font.
– 1 inch margins
– 1.5-2 line spacing
– Word document (.doc or .docx)

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