“Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in Clegg and Nelson’s ‘The Myth of the Rational Voter’ and Reed and Samuelson’s ‘The Rationality of Irrationality’” The Power of Rhetoric: A Comparison of Clegg and

nstructions: Below you will find two sets of articles. Pick either Clegg and Nelson or Reed and
Samuelson. Read the articles and compare their Rhetoric. After consideration of their topics,
choose one of the following prompts:
A.) Compose an argument of your own, of between 300-600 words, which defends a position
informed by your consideration of the articles. This argument must appeal to Logos and Ethos,
and to an opposing view. It must use in-text citation, include a Works Cited Page, and adhere to
MLA format.
B.) Compose an analytical argument that critiques the articles, and present a point of view that
defends one of the articles as employing stronger rhetorical strategies than the other. This is
another way of asking this question: Which of the two articles more successfully makes its case
to an audience that uses the rules of Rhetoric to determine the value of an argument? This
argument must appeal to Logos and Ethos, and to an opposing view. It must use in-text citation,
include a Works Cited Page, and adhere to MLA format

The post “Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in Clegg and Nelson’s ‘The Myth of the Rational Voter’ and Reed and Samuelson’s ‘The Rationality of Irrationality’”

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