Brainstorming and Searching for Sources: Navigating the Research Process for Your Final Project

Brainstorming and Searching for Sources
Last week you chose a final project topic and began the research process. Make sure you read and incorporate your instructor’s feedback on your Milestone 1 submission. Review the Navigating Your Course Video (about 1:40 in) on the Course Orientation page or view the links at the bottom of that page. These resources will show you how and where to view your instructor’s feedback, including your comments in the document. You will receive a grade and feedback by Thursday of Module 2 at the latest. Contact your instructor with any questions or concerns before moving on.
This week you will be working on narrowing your focus and finding some preliminary sources. Begin by reading pages 2.10 through 2.12 in the webtext and then begin the steps below.
Step 1: Freewriting
Step 2: Making a List
Step 3: Describing Your Topic and Finding Your Keywords
Step 4: Thinking of Synonyms
Step 5: Searching the Library
Milestone 2 Template Download Milestone 2 Template(Word document)
ThesaurusLinks to an external site.
Library HomepageLinks to an external site.
Library Cornerstone Research Guide
Library searching tips and tricksLinks to an external site.
Instructions for Linking to Items in the LibraryLinks to an external site.
Once you’ve completed the steps above, submit the following in one document to this page by Sunday evening of Module 2. Use the Milestone 2 template Download Milestone 2 templateto assemble and submit the final product which will include: 
Your list of at least five narrowed ideas on your topic from the free write activity.
A one to two sentence description of your narrowed topic with at least four key terms or short phrases underlined.
At least two synonyms, abbreviations, or alternatives for each of the four key terms.
Five sources on your topic from the Excelsior Library search (including author, title, date, and URL).
Put all four components into the Milestone 2 Template Download Milestone 2 Templateand

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