“Following My Passion: My Motivation for Pursuing a Programme at Arden University” As a lifelong learner, I have always been passionate about expanding my knowledge and skills in various fields. However, it was not until recently that I discovered my

Your personal statement should be between 300-500 words. We recommend a minimum of 100 words per question in the structure below, however you can write your own personal statement, ensuring this is covering the below information.
Please ensure this is written entirely in your own words and discusses your personal motivations for studying this programme.
Why are you applying for this programme?
Please include:
·       Your educational and professional ambitions.
·       What interests you about the subject and studying with Arden University.
·       Why now is the right time for you to study this programme.
What current qualities and skills make you suitable to undertake the programme?
What relevant experience or achievements have you gained from education, work, or other activities which will support you in succeeding on this programme?

The post “Following My Passion: My Motivation for Pursuing a Programme at Arden University”

As a lifelong learner, I have always been passionate about expanding my knowledge and skills in various fields. However, it was not until recently that I discovered my appeared first on get essay fast.