hree Points to Remember: Writing is difficult. We can assume that all writers’ w

hree Points to Remember:
Writing is difficult.
We can assume that all writers’ work first-draft work needs improvement, so engage in Peer Review in that spirit.
Be constructive:
Offer your classmates the quality of feedback that you would like to receive from them, that will assist you with revision.
Sometimes, there is inequal participation in peer groups:
Sometimes people miss deadlines or don’t participate at all. That is challenging in a small peer review group. If someone from your group posts their thesis past the deadline and too late for you to critique it, then you will not be responsible for doing so. If you can and do respond to a late workshop submission, that’s generous, but not mandatory. 
If you find yourself in a group in which NO ONE except you has posted by the first deadline – contact me in Canvas message.
How to Participate Successfully:
(A) After choosing your Essay 2 prompt,  begin brainstorming an analytical thesis claim that responds to the prompt question and that is structured in a way that it can launch a formalist analysis essay. (Do not approach the thesis as a ‘list of three things’ for a high-school style five-paragraph essay. If you need clarification about this, see me)
(B) Spend enough time on thesis development. It’s critical. Once you have a clear, arguable,  thesis statement, you’ll be ready to participate here, in this workshop discussion.  The purpose of this peer review workshop is to share your thesis at the draft stage and respond to each other’s ideas-in-progress with focused, constructive feedback that will help each writer rethink, develop and revise in preparation for the essay due at the end of the week.
(C) Since the success of your essay will depend in large part on the strength of your thesis statement, be as specific, thorough and constructive in your peer review of each other’s work as possible. Constructive criticism should be welcomed. The starting assumption should be that the work of everyone in your workshop would benefit from critique and revision.