In this assignment, students will develop a compelling pitch deck and investor p

In this assignment, students will develop a compelling pitch deck and investor presentation for a startup seeking funding while executing clear, comprehensive communication skills and illustrating critical thinking through the pitch deck elements. The objective is to create a slide deck that effectively communicates the business concept, market opportunity, competitive advantage, financial projections, and growth strategies. The pitch deck will be presented in a video format, and students will also submit a written summary of the presentation with key insights and takeaways.
Business Concept and Market Opportunity (25%)
Clearly define the business concept, including the problem it solves, target market, and value proposition.
Conduct thorough market research to identify the market size, trends, and potential opportunities.
Develop a compelling narrative that highlights the market opportunity and the unique position of the startup.
Review draft assignment or homework you completed in modules 1-5
Competitive Advantage (25%):
Identify the startup’s competitive advantage, whether it’s a unique product or service, innovative technology, or a differentiated business model.
Showcase the competitive landscape, demonstrating an understanding of existing players, their strengths, and potential gaps in the market.
Articulate how the startup’s competitive advantage sets it apart and positions it for success.
Review draft assignment or homework you completed in module 4
Financial Projections (25%):
Create a realistic financial forecast for the startup, including revenue projections, cost structure, and projected profitability.
Present the financial projections in a clear and visually appealing format, utilizing charts and graphs to highlight key figures and trends.
Justify the financial assumptions made, taking into account market analysis, industry benchmarks, and growth strategies.
Review draft assignment or homework assignment in moduled 9, 12 and 13
Growth Strategies (25%):
Outline the growth strategies the startup will employ to expand its market presence and achieve its objectives.
Identify marketing and sales strategies, distribution channels, strategic partnerships, and any other tactics to drive growth.
Clearly articulate how the startup plans to scale its operations and capitalize on market opportunities.
Review homework assignments from modules 12-15