Navigating Midlife Transitions: Successes and Struggles

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read
Chapter 11 of the textbook;
Marital Status, Marital Transitions, and Sleep Quality in Mid to Late LifeLinks to an external site.;
Transitions in Mid-Life: Women’s Work and Family Roles in the 1970sLinks to an external site.;
Changing Work: Mid-to-Late Life Transitions in EmploymentLinks to an external site.; and
From Misery to Fulfillment: How to Successfully Navigate Midlife TransitionsLinks to an external site..
Also watch Adult Health and DevelopmentLinks to an external site..
Middle adulthood brings with it the very real possibility of major life transitions. Unfortunately, not all these life transitions will be positive. The middle-aged adult, if a parent, will be faced with the departure of the grown children and the possibility of becoming a grandparent. In addition, individuals in middle adulthood may face the realization that their parent(s) may need to be cared for, and the possibility of retirement. Each of these transitions could have a profound effect on the individual. The fact that many of these may begin occurring at relatively the same time can only compound their effects.
On the other hand, individuals in middle adulthood probably have better resources for dealing with these transitions than they would have had before. The fact that such transitions will be faced, therefore, does not guarantee the effects will be negative. In your initial post of 450 words,
Start by listing your own assumptions about how things go in midlife for most people, especially relating to peoples’ ability (or need) to redefine themselves.
Next, using any media source or people you know in midlife, find and describe at least one example of a person who has been successful in their redefinition (e.g., Julie Andrews adjusting her career after a botched throat surgery) and at least one example of a person who has been unsuccessful at redefinition (e.g., Robin Williams choosing to commit suicide after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or Madonna becoming bitter at losing her earlier dominance).
List any cultural considerations that you believe have affected your subject’s transition.
Which of these examples were easier to find or more plentiful? Do these results confirm or contradict your assumptions?
Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion.
Identify examples that were similar to and different from those in your initial post.
Comment on the cultural aspects they have described regarding midlife transitions.

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