STEP IV: (20 Points) Interview and Presentation of Information Create a 3-7 minu

STEP IV: (20 Points) Interview and Presentation of Information
Create a 3-7 minute recorded, Powerpoint presentation containing information to about your potential career AND information you have learned from interviewing a professional in the field. Imagine you were to share this with a KNES major and wanted to give them good information on how to be a (enter career choice here: “Physical Therapist”). What information do you WISH someone told you early on? Make your presentation interesting, concise, and informative for your peers by using pictures, colors, alignment, etc.
Assignment Objectives:
1. Do some research on your chosen career (related to KNES). Answer the following questions below and create a presentation with 3-10 slides (ex: Powerpoint, Google Presentation, Prezi, etc.) (10 points):
Name of the Career – BOLD LARGE FONT
Typical responsibilities of the job (at least 2)
EX: Design and monitor an appropriate, customized exercise program
EX: Educate and support the patient in making key changes, such as eating healthier foods, quitting smoking and increasing physical activity
Average Salary (will need to do research on your own to find these figures)
Academic Requirements (Ex: Bachelors in Kinesiology with pre-requisite courses like 1 year A&P, 1 year Chemistry, 1 year Biology, etc…)
Typical work environment/working conditions
EX: work in hospitals, outpatient clinics and rehabilitation centers
Certifications or Licenses required
In addition to education are there any State Certifications of Licenses required?
EX: NCLEX exam required for Nurses, NATABOC required for Athletic Training etc.
Common populations someone in this position would work with
Youth, College Athletes, 65 and older, recovering stroke patients, etc.
At least 3 photos related to the position (EX: Image that depicts physical therapy)
Professional Association or Affiliation – MUST include the full title, abbreviation, and website
2. Interview a professional in the field you are interested in – must be related to KNES. You will find and call/zoom/meet in person and interview this individual and ask the following questions (5 points):
What are your typical job responsibilities?
When and how did you decide on this career path? Did you always know this is what you were going to do?
What education did you need?
What is your favorite part of your career? The worst?
How do you see your field/job changing or evolving in the next 10 years?
What advice would you give to someone pursuing this career?