Students will engage in close readings of historical and philosophical documents

Students will engage in close readings of historical and philosophical documents, analyze and
evaluate their significance and import, and make connections to their educational
philosophy (theory) and practice for this assignment. Students will locate locate credible
sources relevant to their field of teaching, for papers and projects (IS 4 & 5).
“What does it mean to know something?” (Noddings, 2016, p. 32)
Students will read and reflect on Noddings Chapters 1-3 and pick one of the following options to
write and turn in for the PTE exercise.
This assignment will be two pages minimum, double-spaced, APA 7 th edition formatting.
Make sure you are citing the texts and any sources you choose with APA formatting. One
of these prompts must be answered fully to receive credit for this assignment:
Option One:
Reflect and analyze the differences between Dewey, Russell, and Scheffler’s views on teachers
and learning. What did you notice? What role does philosophy play in education? Add a
paragraph based on YOUR perspective of their viewpoints. What do you see now in your
classroom or school? What would you like to see that might be missing in regards to student
enhancement and engagement?
Option Two:
Reflect and analyze the concepts of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, and do not forget,
reflecting on the work of Pestalozzi, Herbart, and Froebel. What did you notice? What role does
philosophy play in education? Add a paragraph based on YOUR perspective of their
viewpoints. What do you see now in your classroom or school? What would you like to see that
might be missing in regards to student enhancement and engagement?