The Fourth Amendment


The Fourth Amendment sets limitations to stop and frisk and arrests. It also affords individuals to be protected against unreasonable searches and seizures. This discussion asks you to examine probable cause and illegal searches and seizures.

Please thoroughly discuss each of the following:

A police officer must have probable cause to arrest an individual. How much probable cause is needed to secure an arrest or search warrant? What is the difference between a stop, a frisk, and an arrest?
What is the exclusionary rule? Discuss the exceptions to the exclusionary rule.
Part II

Using the facts provided to you in the Week One discussion, answer the following questions:

1) Did the police have probable cause to arrest Mayo?

2) Did law enforcement violate Mayo’s constitutional rights? If yes, explain how. If not, explain why.

3) Were the police required to read Mayo his Miranda Rights? Discuss why.


The post The Fourth Amendment first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.