Title: The Identity Crisis in “The Obscene Bird of the Night” by Jose Donoso

A 10 page essay on the identity crisis in “The obscene bird of the night” by Jose Donoso.
I am required to include atleast some quotes from the book to support this topic.
If there aren’t any quotes  found from the book, I need to atleast include two citations from any of the following sources: (The problem is they are in Spanish, so they need translation but if you would like to opt out of including these that’s fine no other sources except the book)
Morgan, Nick. “Política E Identidad Cultural en La Desesperanza De José Donoso.”
Revista De Estudios Sociales, Oct. 2002, www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=81501311.
Evangelista Ávila, Iram y Jennifer Navarrete García. “La Mímesis De La Identidad En
El Lugar Sin Límites De José Donoso.” Revista Interdisciplinar De Teoría Mimética.
Xiphias Gladius, junio de 2021.

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