Title: Understanding Personality Assessments: A Case Study Using the MBTI (16 Personalities) Test

Complete one of the following assessments:
MBTI (16 Personalities)
Big-Five Personalities Assessment
Then, complete a  paper analyzing your results. Include the following in your paper:
Part One:
Provide a brief history of your chosen test and description of what it tests.
Describe the method of data collection (open-ended questions, multiple-choice, Likert, interviews, etc.).
Analyze considerations for validity and reliability of your chosen measure.
Provide a brief literature review (3 resourrces) that outlines the criteria and processes for establishing validity and reliability of your chosen measure.
Provide an objective analysis of your results, paying specific attention to what your results mean for employment and career track. Consider different perspectives in your analysis. Also, identify two training needs based on your results.

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