“Ensuring Ethical Standards in Project Management: Strategies and Challenges”

Respond to each posts in a substantive manner, and provide recommendations. Support your position by using information from examples from current events, and/or other scholarly or credible resources. Cite references, if needed.
You are encouraged to  promote a more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum. Each response should be a minimum of 150 words.
First post:
If you have yet to manage a project in real life, how would you ensure that ethical standards are upheld within your projects? You are encouraged to cite a recent (within five years) story related to this topic in your post.
I have not been involved directly or indirectly with ethical issues. When a Project Manager is certified by the PMI, there are codes of ethics and professional behavior expected from the PM along with the organization or employer for whom they work that they must follow as well.  
Also, the PM develops a reputation for taking good care of the team members, which later makes it easier to recruit team members for future projects (Kloppenborg, 2023). Keeping this fact in mind, the PM is responsible for maintaining full transparency with the stakeholders when there are changes to the originally proposed estimates, costs, and deliverables.  Another tool to ensure the project upholds ethical standards is communication, verbal and written updates of any delays or constraints should be communicated with the stakeholders followed by a proposal on how the PM plans to address the issue – as this builds trust and confidence.
Kloppenborg, T. J., Anantatmula, V. S., & Wells, K. N. (2023). Contemporary Project Management: Plan-driven and Agile approaches (5th ed.). https://uagc.instructure.com/courses/131440/modules/items/6691863
Second Post:
If you have experienced managing project(s), what ethical challenges have you encountered, and how did you handle them while maintaining integrity and professionalism?
An ethical challenge that a PM would encounter is when coming across a stakeholder who is resistant to the project and may even be actively against it. It is a slippery slope to tell the stakeholders what they want to hear to garner their support. However, that is an extremely wrong thing to do because the project manager must be honest with everyone about the limitations and realities of the project they are assigned. To handle this situation, the best thing to do would be to communicate with the resistant stakeholder and note their thoughts on the project and why they are against it, in some cases, this feedback could be invaluable such as potential risks or to help develop a better way to do things. It is also advisable to ask that stakeholder to express their opinion to others, encouraging more discussion. Conflict should not be avoided but resolved if it gets to the point of escalation.

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