“Exploring Intercultural Communication through Ethnographical Research: A Narrative of Observing and Understanding a Culture or Subculture”

We have discussed numerous Intercultural Communication Concepts in class including ethnographical research. Your task is to write a narrative about your experience and plan a presentation about your ethnography. Additional research is required to complete the task.
The steps you must take are listed below:
1. Select an accessible location you can observe a culture or subculture. Students must spend a minimum of three fifty-minute sessions at the location(s).
Example: The gym, gaming group, an LGBTQ event(s), a dog park, a coffee shop, virtual groups, message boards, etc.
Procedure: Students will observe the culture or subculture.
Product: You must write ½-1 page rationale explaining why you chose that culture.
2. Write comprehensive field notes. Students will submit their field notes in a folder with their narratives. What did you hear, see, smell, touch, or taste? How did the interactants communicate verbally and nonverbally? What were some of their rituals? Were there cultural taboos?
Procedure: Collect your field notes.
Product: A folder of compiled field notes
Prepare a 3-5 page narrative. Students must compile their field notes into a narrative. What is the story you want to tell us about the culture or subculture you observed? These are possible topic, but you may discuss your own concepts.
A.Verbal Communication
B. Nonverbal Communication
C. Relational Dynamics
D. Elements of Culture
Procedure: Type a narrative that explains the culture you observed.
Product: A typed 3-5 page typed, double-spaced document
Outline Format (Title)
I. Introduction
A. Where did you complete your observation?
B. Why did you choose the culture or subculture?
C. What challenges did you experience?
II. Body (You may discuss any topics, but I provided an example.)
A. Verbal Communication
B. Nonverbal Communication
C. Relational Dynamics
D. Elements of Culture
E. Interesting Experiences
III. Conclusion
A. What did you learn from your experience?
B. If you could do it over again, what would you have done differently?

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