Gender Differences in Verbal and Math Intelligence 1. The Brain/Brain Size 2. I selected this area of research because I am interested in understanding the relationship between brain size and intelligence. I am also curious about any potential gender differences in

select one of the following:
The Brain/Brain Size Verbal Intelligence Math Intelligence
Visual/Spatial Abilities Grades Teacher Expectations
Fear of Success Physical Health Mental Health
Helping Behavior Aggression Perceptual Ability
1. Identify the area of research from the list above that interests you 2. Describe why you selected that area of research and how it interests you
3. Briefly summarize what ability/abilities the research was attempting to measure and the findings of the research – were there any measurable differences in abilities between the male and female participants. Be sure to cite your work if you are paraphrasing or quoting the article.
4. Briefly describe how these differences between men and women lead to any differences in the way men and women are perceived and treated in our society.

The post Gender Differences in Verbal and Math Intelligence

1. The Brain/Brain Size
2. I selected this area of research because I am interested in understanding the relationship between brain size and intelligence. I am also curious about any potential gender differences in appeared first on get essay fast.