This is a narrative assignment using the appropriate template and headings. See

This is a narrative assignment using the appropriate template and headings. See the Document Contents section of this guide for additional guidance. You will be rearranging the content already provided and organizing it to fit the sections below.
Note: Your submission will only include the full outline of the Review of the Professional and Academic Literature (Outline Only) section as referenced below. Any new citation’s outside of the approved references within the attachment must be within the last 4 years.
Your submission will include the following:
• Title Page
• Table of Contents
• List of Tables
• List of Figures
• Introduction to the Study
• Background of the Problem
• Problem Statement
• Purpose Statement
• Research Questions
• Nature of the Study
• Research Framework
• Definition of Terms
• Assumptions, Limitations, Delimitations
• Significance of the Study
• Review of the Professional and Academic Literature (Outline Only)
• Summary of Section 1 and Transition
• Appendices
• References