Artefact 2 requires that students write a report in response to a criminal event

Artefact 2 requires that students write a report in response to a criminal event/offence type (see . Use the offence type introduced, you are required to recommend a criminal justice response for the offence. The focus can be on the offender(s), the victim(s), the police/courts, or the prison or probation service. 
The report will have 4 components:
Summary of the case study
An explanation for why this offence happened using a psychological theory/approach 
Identification of an alternative psychological theory that could be used to explain the offence 
Evidence-based recommendations for practice based on your chosen focus – so if you are looking at the offender, what are the treatment/punishment recommendations? If you are looking at the police/courts, what needs to be considered when prosecuting? If you are looking at the victim, how can we support them through the criminal justice system and beyond?
Additional information:
Please use the format below for your report. 
Part 1: Overview of the case study. 
Part 2: Psychological explanation for the offence. You should include a summary of the strengths and limitations of the theory to explain THIS SPECIFIC OFFENCE (or offence type).
Part 3: Alternative explanation
Use the strengths and limitations identified in Part 2, and the other topics/theories that you have studied during this module, provide an alternative explanation for the offence/offence type.
Part 4: Recommendations
Provide recommendations, based on the psychological theories and research identified above, for the criminal justice system. This should reflect the focus that you chose in Part 2.
Word count:
References (in APA7 format)