Teaching plan for “Bathing, Diapering, and Clothing of baby”. – FOLLOW THE BLANK

Teaching plan for “Bathing, Diapering, and Clothing of baby”. – FOLLOW THE BLANK TEACHING OUTLINE THAT IS ATTACHED

Parent Education Teaching Project

Overview: This project is designed to assess your knowledge (gained by research of topic based on evidenced based practice) and presentation of a selected maternal/newborn teaching topic to a patient/family (role-play by peers/faculty) and will include the following:


    • Gain knowledge about a chosen topic based on evidenced based practice (EBP) within the maternal-newborn specialty area in preparation for patient teaching.
    • Create an organized teaching outline regarding the chosen maternal-newborn topic to include specific teaching points and information to be taught to patients and their families.
    • Apply principles of Knowles’ theory of adult learning into the teaching outline to ensure the patient is being taught at an appropriate level for age.
    • Demonstrate full knowledge of topic and be able to teach that topic to patient/family.
    • Effectively communicate with patient/family in a manner that is understood by patient/family.
    • Demonstrate a professional manner at all times in the role of “nurse” when teaching patient/family.
    • Develop 3 measurable goals/objectives relevant to chosen maternal-topic and be able to show those goals were met/unmet during presentation.
    • Gain confidence in presenting in front of a group of peers and faculty

Part A: Teaching Outline (see rubric)

  • Integrate at least three references (within past 5 years), to include 1 journal article, 1 textbook, and 1 scholarly and reputable website in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the teaching outline. No nursing care plan books allowed as the 1 textbook reference but may be used as an additional reference. The student must utilize APA format for title page, outline citations and references. Final outline can be any style or format but MUST be organized and easy to follow.
  • Include a minimum of three, clearly stated and measurable outcomes or learning objectives at the beginning of the outline. Outcomes/learning objectives must be specific and measurable and be able to be completed by patient/family during your presentation.
  • Pre-select principles from Knowles Adult Learning Theory (teaching methods and evaluation methods) that will be used in your teaching practicum and include these principals at the end of your teaching outline. Include a brief statement of how the adult learning theory applies to your patient and the teaching style you will use.
  • Teaching outline: This is an outline of what will be taught to the patient/family and the order in which you will present the topic points. It should flow in an organized and methodical manner including topic points and information that will cover the teaching topic you chose. The teaching outline should NO MORE than 3 or 4 pages in length. You will have up to 20 minutes to complete your teaching in a role-play scenario on presentation day. Make sure your teaching is complete and comprehensive. Questions will be asked by your “patient/family” during your presentation and after your presentation by your faculty and peers.


TEACHING AID EXAMPLE: (also attached under)




* FOLLOW THE BLANK TEACHING OUTLINE THAT IS ATTACHED FOR MY TOPIC – “Bathing, Diapering, and Clothing of baby” **