Assignment Directions:  For this assignment, you will watch and respond to the d

Assignment Directions: 
For this assignment, you will watch and respond to the documentary film “Well-Founded Fear” about processes of asylum in the United States. You will write an essay that offers a summary and analysis of the film, using at least one relevant anthropological concept from the lesson content and/or readings. In order to do this well, you should define/describe the concept and then apply it to the film content.
In your assignment, you will a) summarize the film and its premise or major argument and b) analyze the subject matter of the film using one anthropological concept from class. As you watch the film and complete this assignment, please address the following questions:
What aspects of the U.S. asylum system were highlighted in the film?
How does the film portray the experiences of asylum seekers?
What are the challenges faced by asylum seekers in navigating the U.S. asylum process?
How does the film explore the political and social factors influencing asylum policy in the U.S.?
How does the film contribute to our understanding of immigration and asylum issues globally?
What actions, if any, do you think should be taken based on the issues raised in the film?
You can complete this assignment in either essay or video format. Essays must be 600-800 words, and videos should be at least 6-7 minutes. All assignments must be turned in on Canvas by MONDAY 5/20 at 11:59 PM. For essay format, papers should be double-spaced, with 12-point font and 1-inch margins on all sides. Regardless of format, when other sources are used, please cite the sources in the essay/video and submit a reference page.