Breaking Bad Habits: My Personal Reflection As I watched Judson Brewer’s TED talk on breaking bad habits, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own experiences with trying to change my own behaviors. From nail-biting to procrastination,

You should NOT summarize what you watched.
This is a reflection paper; tell me how it relates to your own story/ what’s your take-away points/ what have you learned/ realized.
You may write about anything, except the summary of the video.
It’s a reflection does have to I be prefect base off the ted talk video I will upload 2 pages no reference or citation needed it 

The post Breaking Bad Habits: My Personal Reflection

As I watched Judson Brewer’s TED talk on breaking bad habits, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own experiences with trying to change my own behaviors. From nail-biting to procrastination, appeared first on get essay fast.