Please download the assignment document. You will view your assignment on this d

Please download the assignment document. You will view your assignment on this document. Please type your responses in the blank spaces, and then upload your answer sheet to this space. All answers should be your own, in your own words.

Assignment – Econ in Action: 2024_Principles of Microeconomics – Assignment PE Days.docx

Videos for Assignment: Link to videos (bottom of page)Links to an external site.

Assignment (optimized for use on iPad):

  • docx: 2024_Principles of Microeconomics – Assignment PE Days iPad version.docxActions
  • pdf: 2024_Principles of Microeconomics – Assignment PE Days iPad version.pdfActions

Please note: This assignment has a due date corresponding to the end of this module. However, there are no late submission penalties this semester. Therefore, you are able to access and submit this assignment past the “due date” with no penalty. Please use the “due date” as a guide to help you maintain steady progress through this course.

(Links to an external site.)

Please remember: Failure to submit an honest attempt at any assignment may result in a reduction of your overall course grade and may impact your ability to successfully pass this course