Please make sure the paper follows the prompt and checks off all the requirement

Please make sure the paper follows the prompt and checks off all the requirements, also most importantly please make sure to use small words that don’t make it overly complex and advanced I want it to be easy to read even for a beginner reader as this is only a writing one class and I’m not the best writer so, in other words, I don’t want a sesquipedalian speech and please don’t repeat something you have already said more than once just keep it organized and essay to follow. The thesis you should follow for this essay should be “Citizen: An American Lyric” by Claudia Rankine is about the different experiences of discrimination faced by Black citizens in America and “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous” by Ocean Vuong is an exploration of a Vietnamese immigrant in America who struggles with his own identity as a queer person of color, together they both represent the topics of race, identity, and belonging. After reading the prompt the thesis should make sense so please for the prompt and requirements of the essay follow this thesis and these two stories. Lastly please make sure that the work cited in all links is reliable and credible and try to use links from YouTube interviews of the authors and sources straight from the book as stated in the prompt linked below (work cited should be on the 7-8th page).