This term paper is for an international business course. Answer the 3 major ques

This term paper is for an international business course. Answer the 3 major questions: what are the influential literature facets? what are the trending thoughts/themes? what are the suggestions for furthering research? collect sample articles 2020-2024. critical content analysis (supplied text). sample papers provided. No AI. 
Use at least 10 academic sources! (papers published in an academic journal; academic books).
Please follow the structure/format given below. Arrange your work in those section with respective headings. You can also have subheadings under each major section heading.
Introduction (Between 1.5 and 2 pages). 4 points
What is it? Describe the subject and position it in the context of international business.
describe in short any gap in existing knowledge / research question and explain why is it relevant and important for discussion
Describe the goals/objectives of your assignment.
Provide a brief summary of how are you going to achieve the objectives. Here provide a summary of the methodology
Provide a brief discussion of the implications/contributions
Methodology (between half to 1 page). 2 points
This is a literature review assignment. Thus, you will need to critically read how literature reviews are being conducted. Familiarize yourself with Literature Review Methodology. Sample articles will be provided for you to read and understand how this methodology is applied. Here you are expected to elaborate how you will conduct your article search, and how will you analyze them.
Results and Discussion (between 3 to 4 pages). 5 points
Discuss previous finding (preferably us a table which summarizes the findings and elaborate on those in this section):
What are the main themes emerging from the literature / main streams of research, main consensuses or differences of opinions.
Try and illustrate clusters of findings and discuss the similarities. Another way to go about it will be to illustrate a time line and show how the subject evolved over time. Of course you can think of any other (even creative) way of arranging the results and discussion. Literature review results are mainly of two types. First are those which provide descriptive features/information of the articles under review. The second are content based information from critical content analysis.
Conclusion (between 1.5 to 2 pages). 4 points
What can be concluded from the discussion thus far?
What should be a possible avenues for future research?