Title: The Relationship Between Economic Disadvantage and Crime: Exploring the Role of Limited Economic Mobility and Concentrated Disadvantage

Guiding Question
If wealth were distributed equally in the United States, would we see a decrease in crime?
Write a reflection paper that discusses the ways in which limited economic mobility and concentrated disadvantage may put economically disadvantaged people at increased risk for crime involvement. This paper should:
Draw on at least one criminological theory that is “class” based. For example: Institutional Anomie Theory, Anomie Theory, Strain Theory, or Marxist Critical Theory. Explain why you think this theory does well explaining the correlation between poverty and crime
Discuss the difference between income, wealth, and financial assets
Reference at least one empirical peer reviewed study on the correlation between economic mobility and crime
Provide at least two examples of crime categories that illustrate criminal coping by economically disadvantaged people
Formatting and Guidelines
Minimum of 5 and maximum of 7 pages of text.
APA style and format. Refer to APA Style Refresher for assistance.
Times New Roman 12-point font, one-inch margins, double-spaced. Title page, pictures, and reference page are not included in the page count.
Minimum of 5 reputable sources, including respectable literature in books, journal articles, or reputable internet sources.
Meets content requirements as outlined.
How to Submit
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