Title: The Role of Microbiota and Immunity: Understanding the Different Aspects of the Immune Response and Vaccination

please answer 2 of the prompts below: label each prompt as to which one you responded to. 
Explain how the normal microbiota is involved in immunity and the various relationships the microbiota can be in.  (USLO 7.1)
Discuss the difference between innate and adaptive immune responses.  Be sure to include first, second, and third lines of defense. (USLOs 7.2 and 7.3)
Explain the difference between cell-mediated versus humoral responses.  Be sure to include cell types and function of each response.  (USLO 7.4)
Discuss the different types of vaccines.  Be sure to include the advantages and disadvantages of each type.  (USLO 7.5)
Heat Killed
Explain the concept of herd immunity and how vaccination is involved.  (USLO 7.6)

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