“Ethical Dilemmas in the Food Distribution Industry: A Personal Reflection and Analysis”

please don’t use chat group and copy paste, as teacher will use programs to check
about my work. working in food distribution company and dealing with brand owners and responsible for uae retail businesses ( if it will help for a case study)
Instructions Please Note: The prescribed word-limit for the assignment is 3500 words, no less than 2500. Ensure you cover every question and every part of easonable detail. Make liberal use of examples, competitive examples, and case-studies. Short brief one or two-line answers are not accepted. Wherever requi can make suitable assumptions but ensure you justify every recommendation made and answer in your own words rather than merely copy-pasting images or quotations from the internet. Have a proper structure for every answer, broadly starting with an introduction followed by a detailed description and then a reaso conclusion. Make sure you read your Assignment carefully a few times after you complete it to ensure all required points are properly and adequately covered. 1 irst cover page though not part of grades has to be filled in. 2. Assignments are formal documents hence to enhance the look need not to be made creative wit ext or images. 3. Ensure that the signature of the student is marked in the declaration form. 4. Text Use 12 Calisto MT font or times new roman font. 5. Avoid pla .e. they use another person’s words or ideas and try to pass them off as their own. 6. Give 1.5 line spacing to paragraphs, highlight points in bold letters wherev equired with Text black.
Q.1 Evaluate yourself in terms of cognitive moral development, locus of control, moral disengagement, and Machiavellianism. What does evaluation tell you about your ethical decision-making? Use personal and business examples.
Marks: 50
Minimum Words: 1500
Maximum Words: 1500
Q.2 What are the ethical issues in this case?
Marks: 15
Minimum Words: 500
Maximum Words: 500
Q.3 What are some reasons the decision maker in this case might be inclined to go along? or not go along?
Marks: 10
Minimum Words: 500
Maximum Words: 500
Q.4 If you were the decision maker, how would you handle the situation?
Marks: 10
Minimum Words: 500
Maximum Words: 500
Q.5 Would you report the conversation to your manager? Why or why not?
Marks: 15
Minimum Words: 500
Maximum Words: 500
Q.6 Case Study

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