For this paper you are going to utilize popular media to identify a client in ne

For this paper you are going to utilize popular media to identify a client in need.  This paper will include the following:
Identify a character from Harry Potter or Percy Jackson.
Diagnose that character with a psychological disorder from the DSM-V;
Explain why you feel the character should be diagnosed with that psychology disorder (use the DSM-V criteria);
Identify a best practice therapeutic approach that would best meet the need of the character. Incorporate how you would address any legal, ethical, and cross-cultural issues that may arise based on the context of your character.
Develop a minimum of Three treatment goals for the character (explain why you felt these should be the treatment goals); and
Based on the best practice therapeutic approach you identified, describe what the character would experience and how would that person improve over the course of a 10-week counseling program.
Your paper will also include a title page, headers (Introduction, Diagnosis, Therapeutic Approach, Treatment Goals, Program), and a reference page.  Title and reference pages do not count towards your minimum page count. 
Assignment Characteristics for the Capstone Paper:
Pedagogical Method – Experiential learning: Students will identify a character from a movie, book, or television series, diagnose that character, identify an applicable counseling theoretical approach, develop a treatment plan, and conceptualize a 10-week counseling program for that individual.
X Factor Element – Finding Happiness: Students will develop a deeper understanding of an abnormal psychology issue that they are interested in.  They will discover the feeling of empowerment as they develop their skills in diagnosing, treatment planning, and the development of a counseling program.  This will have an influence on their sense of being a student (academic), person (self-concept), and as a professional (opening their mind to differential diagnosing and treatment options).  
Student Ideas – Long-Term Project: This assignment is introduced early in the semester and the concepts and themes learned throughout this course will be implemented in the delivery of this paper.
You must have a minimum of 10 credible sources.