Research Article Review Assignment :  This assignment is designed to enhance you

Research Article Review Assignment : 
This assignment is designed to enhance your objective and subjective ability to identify and evaluate empirical research that may inform programmatic issues. Identify an area of professional/clinical interest, or an area relevant to the topic(s) addressed in the course. Search, select, and review a research article from a peer-reviewed journal accessed through the online library databases. Please provide a review of the relevant areas (outlined below) within the research article (“the objective”), and provide your own personal evaluation(“the subjective;” i.e., what your critique, impression, opinion, etc.) of each of those areas. Please use the outlined bullet points (found below) to structure your bullet-point Word document outline of the article review (i.e., both your objective and subjective evaluation) 
Please use the outlined bullet points (found below) to structure your bullet-point Word 
document outline of the article review (i.e., both your objective and subjective evaluation) 
● 1.) Provide APA citation of your research article.
Ong, C. W., Petersen, J. M., Terry, C. L., Krafft, J., Barney, J. L., Abramowitz, J. S., & Twohig, M. P. (2022). The “how” of exposures: Examining the relationship between exposure parameters and outcomes in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 24, 87–95. 
Please use this reasearch article to review. 
● 2.) Statement of the problem addressed in the article (4 points).
A) Background information of the issue’s significance; the rationale underlying the issue (“objective”).
B) Your evaluation of the problem/significance (“subjective”).
● 3.) Basic results and findings (4 points)
A) Brief overview of the results and findings (“objective”).
B) Your evaluation of the overview (“subjective”).
● 4.) The strengths of the findings (4 points).
A) Overview of the study’s strengths (“objective”).
B) Your evaluation of the strengths (“subjective”).
● 5.) The limitations of the findings (4 points).
A) Overview of the study’s limitations (“objective”).
B) Your personal evaluation of the limitations (“subjective”).
● 6.) The relevance of the topic to you and/or the class members (4 points).
Implications for the practice of counseling; how the information may be applied to address “real world” problems.
Provide insights into how this article may inform program development/evaluation.