“The Influence of Experiences on the Meaning of Morality and Life: A Comparative Analysis of Kant, Bentham, and Mill”

What does it mean to be moral? Why be moral? What is the point? While deontologists like Immanuel Kant suggest that universal rules govern right and wrong, utilitarians like Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill suggest that hedonic calculus is a more accurate formula for defining morality. Stretching even deeper into the philosopher’s toolkit, what’s the meaning of all of this?
Unit 3 Essential Questions: What does it mean to be moral? Why be moral? What is the point?
Research Paper: Write a 4-5 page, double-spaced, formal academic analytical essay in Chicago format that responds to one or more of the unit essential questions. Your challenge is to extend analysis beyond what’s already been covered in class– to other units, disciplines, contemporary issues, etc. Embrace the philosopher’s way with this one– essays, articles, and books have been written for quite literally hundreds of years on these topics, so consider how your piece contributes to that anthology instead of simply mimicking something that’s already been done (many times over).
Reference Immanuel Kant, Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mills, Aristotle, Plato, etc.
Please try to use at least THREE references from Unit.
My thesis question:  Do experiences shape one’s meaning of life?

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