Title: “Exploring the Accuracy of Popular Media in Reporting Psychological Studies: A Comparison of a News Article and Original Research” The news article chosen for this assignment is titled “Study Finds Link Between Social Media Use and Mental Health Issues” published

Step 1
Find a popular news article or video from within the past ten years that reports on the results of a psychological study. This should be a published article or video from a news source such as Time Magazine, The New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, etc. A great place to start is the APA psychology news portalLinks to an external site..
Read through the news article and ensure that it is descriptive and sufficiently long enough in order to draw conclusions from the original research mentioned. Take notes on what you noticed.
Step 2
Use your critical thinking skills to find the psychological study or studies mentioned in the news article or video. Sometimes those are not freely available online, so you may have to track down the original study through the OCC library websiteLinks to an external site..
You can find these articles in reputable journals, such as the American Journal of Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Emotion, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Memory.
The study should have been performed within the past ten years.
Step 3
Write a paper (about 300 words) that:
Describes and summarizes both the news article or video and the research article
Examines if the news article or video accurately describes the research
Includes correct APA citations (both in-text and a reference page) for both resources

The post Title: “Exploring the Accuracy of Popular Media in Reporting Psychological Studies: A Comparison of a News Article and Original Research”

The news article chosen for this assignment is titled “Study Finds Link Between Social Media Use and Mental Health Issues” published appeared first on get essay fast.