Title: The Global Fight Against Human Trafficking: Responsibility, Strategies, and Root Causes

Human Trafficking: Please view the following TedTalk and answer one of the questions that follow.
Behind the everyday bargains we all love — the $10 manicure, the unlimited shrimp buffet — is a hidden world of forced labor to keep those prices at rock bottom. Noy Thrupkaew investigates human trafficking – which flourishes in the US and Europe, as well as developing countries – and shows us the human faces behind the exploited labor that feeds global consumers.
Thrupkaew, N. (2015). Human Trafficking is All Around You. This is How it Works [TED2015]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/noy_thrupkaew_human_trafficking_is_all_around_you_this_is_how_it_works
Choose One question to answer:
Whose responsibility is it to end slavery? What are some common tactics and strategies used to combat slavery?
Is poverty a root cause of slavery? If so, would eliminating poverty eliminate slavery?
Are there places in the world where slavery is more prevalent? What are the drivers of higher prevalence in different parts of the world?
Please ensure you are following the discussion rubric and including a nursing, scholarly journal article in addition to your textbook as sources of support.

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