Title: The Impact of Drug Research and Prohibition on Society

The National Institute of Drug Abuse is a part of the National Institute of Health. Its mission is drive research regarding drug issues across a broad band of disciplines and then ensure that information gets disseminated. Please visit The University of Michigan’s press release to read a recent here: https://news.umich.edu/teen-use-of-illicit-drugs-decreased-in-2021-as-the-covid-19-pandemic-continued/. 
Please provide a short, brief summary of the overview (no more than 50-100 words) and then write a detailed response (1-2 pages) in which you reflect on what you think is significant about the potential impact of this new piece of research. In other words, what is important about the information being discussed? Please draw specifically from course material–including the textbook PDF–to support your answer and cite appropriately. (ATTACHED IN PDFS)
Watch the short documentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmGkrhJD9oY and answer the following questions: What is your reaction to this documentary? What can current legislators learn from the events of Prohibition? How is the impact of Big Business (discussed in your textbook) related to the prohibition of alcohol? Write a detailed response (1-2 pages) to these questions. Please draw specifically from course material–including the textbook PDF–to support your answer and cite appropriately. (ATTACHED IN PDFS)
Both of these activities should be discussed separately but included in one paper. (Thus, you can title the first response “Activity #1” and the second “Activity #2” or similar.) This paper should therefore be 2-4 pages TOTAL in which you draw specifically from course material and the textbook PDF to support your answer and cite appropriately. 

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